GO Ball is a girl's only basketball club, partnered with Basketball NWT and sponsored by McLennan Ross LLP.

We strive to promote skill development, fitness, teamwork and a passion for the game.



Fun - Build a passion for the game, learn good values and develop basketball IQ through play

Fitness - Build player fitness, coordination & athletic development

Fundamentals - Individual and team skill development

GO Ball Spring 2023 Sessions are set to begin on Saturday April 15 for U9 and Sunday April 16 for U7.

Registration will open Thursday, April 13 at 7:00 PM.


Players are welcome at the gym 10 minutes early to get ready and play together. Please bring a water bottle to each session!

***Please note session times and locations may be subject to change based on facility availability****

U7 (Grades 1-2)

Fall 2022 Season

  • This Division is open to female athletes from Grade 1 to Grade 2 and moves towards introducing 3-on-3 competition play.  With the same focus on fun, fitness and physical literacy, our athletes will continue to build on their fundamental movement skills through a variety of games, stations, and individual and group skill practice. We will also begin preparing our athletes for the transition to 3-on-3 basketball.

  • April 17 - June 04

  • Sundays at Range Lake North, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

  • 2:50 PM athlete drop off and 4:05 PM athlete pick up

  • Fee: $60.00 (does not include GO Ball gear)

  • Note: Any new registrants will need to ensure they have registered with BNWT for the 2023-24 Player Membership at

U9 (Grades 3-4)

Spring 2023 Season

  • This Division is open to female athletes from Grade 4 to Grade 5, introduces 3-on-3 competition play.  With the same focus on fun, fitness and physical literacy, our athletes will shift from a focus on their fundamental movements skills to the more technical skills specific to basketball. Skill transition and development is done through a variety of games, stations, and individual and group skill practice. Practices will progress to include 3-on-3 basketball games within the practice time slot.

  • April 15 - June 03

  • Saturdays at École St. Joseph’s School, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

  • 2:50 PM athlete drop off and 4:05 PM athlete pick up

  • Fee: $60.00 (does not include GO Ball gear)

  • Note: Any new registrants will need to ensure they have registered with BNWT for the 2023-24 Player Membership at

U11 (Grades 5-7)

Spring 2023 Season - Currently not offered

  • This Division is open to athletes from Grade 5 to Grade 7 and has an equal focus on skill development and 3-on-3 competition play.  Regardless of skill level or previous experience with basketball, our athletes will work on developing more technical basketball skills, along with learning and implementing offensive and defensive strategies through a variety of games, stations, and individual and group skill practice. The last 30-45 minutes of each practice is dedicated to 3-on-3 play so our athletes can utilize their skills and learn through competitive play. This is really great way for athletes new to the sport to have an introduction and develop their skills before the Junior Cager returns this winter at the school level!

    ****Please note that while the division remains named U11, it IS open to children in Grade 7 that may be 12 years old****

NOTE: Coaches may move players to the division best suited to their level of development.

The grade guideline for registration is subject to adjustments to create the best learning atmosphere and experience for athletes.